Ghoa Mol

"If there's one thing I want to change about the world, it's
to get people to stop seeing slimes as monsters. They
can be our friends. You just have to treat them right."

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"It's hard sometimes, Ghoma. I just don't get... people."

🦋 Basic Information 🦋

Name: Ghoa Mol
Race: Xaela
Gender: Female
Age: 22

Height & Weight: 4'7" / 117pz
Body Type: Short, Curvy
Skin Color: Pale
Hair & Eye Color: Black / Purple

Birthplace: The Azim Steppe
Current Residence: The Goblet
Languages: Eorzean, Old Auri

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A Girl And Her Slime ❀

Personality: Overall quite a cheerful individual. Hardworking and protective of her friends and her slimes.

Notable Features: Ghoa's limbal rings almost seem to glow in the dark. When she is happy, she produces an aura of joy around her that others can feel.

🦋 Backstory 🦋

When it comes to Ghoa...She is a very cheerful girl. Her curiosity about the world is high and it's not hard to make her smile. When it comes to people, she is always willing to start a conversation, especially when it comes to slimes, though tends to take words at face value.----There isn't much about her past that she remembers. She woke up one day in a shabby little hut in the Shroud with nothing but the clothes on her back, a journal on the table, and a little slime in a jar in front of her.

She immediately knew that something was off. She didn't know where she was, who she was, or how she got there.

That journal was the only reason why she learned what her name was again.

And without it, she wouldn't have learned that the slime's name was Ghoma either.

There was a letter written to herself in that journal, marked by a single maple leaf.

Dear Me, it read.

I am writing this letter to you because I am you, and you are me. That is why our name is written on the front cover of this book—a name that you might not remember by the time you read this. If that is the case, and you cannot recall even writing this letter, then assume that something went wrong.If you're still reading this, allow me to explain our potential predicament. Take a look at the pendant around your neck. If the gem that adorns it is warm to the touch, then that means the process of suppressing our magic away worked. But if you are still reading this letter, it worked a bit too well.Why would we do such a thing, you might ask? The slime in the jar before you is the answer. His name is Ghoma, and he is our one and only friend. We met him in a field of pink flowers two moons ago, where he stuck to our boot like glue.If you try hard enough, you can understand him. He understands you, too. Give him a proper place to live. Feed him. Make sure no harm ever comes his way. He is our everything. Detailed throughout the pages of this book are notes on our study of slimes so far and what steps we can take to unlock their potential further.Our past does not matter beyond that. What matters now is what you do in the future. Rise to greatness and show the world what Ghoa Mol is capable of.

Following the letter's instructions were her best course of action, she realized. No matter how peculiar she found its subject matter, taking care of a slime did not seem to be too hard. She thought the thing was rather cute, anyway.

If it really was her life's work, then continuing it was what she was obliged to do. She couldn't say no to her own wishes.

Armed with a journal full of notes and a few entries about basic arcanist spells, Ghoa began to travel Eorzea with Ghoma, learning more about slimes as she went. She had become (what she thought was) the world's first slime researcher, and had no qualms about it.

Ghoma "Mol"
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My first slime. The entire reason why I do what I do. I will help him prosper. Without Ghoma, I would be lost on this star...

Mhako Kha
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The fifth of my 'Special Ones', but also my partner. She has dedication like no other, both to me and to my life's goal.

Lissie "Sharpears"
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The first person I've ever felt like was a true friend to me. The first of my 'Special Ones'. I was a special guest at her wedding.

Loetrind Fryilfystwyn
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The second of my 'Special Ones'. She has sworn to protect me, and is very strong. I hope she is doing okay.

Shuuna Dhoro
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My third 'Special One'. We are best friends, and have a lot alike. She is deaf, but she is precious.

Nomolun Dotharl
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She is the fourth of my 'Special Ones'. A warrior undying, who will stand with me at the end of the world.

Madison Huayra
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
A doctor that is a precious friend. I used to share an apartment with her.

Reiko Ayamine
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
A good friend of mine and a sponsor of my future slime-based business. She argues with her sister a lot.

Qaya Dotharl
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My old co-worker. She is almost an opposite to me, magic-wise. But I think we are friends, regardless. We have to talk more.

🦋 Relationships 🦋

🦋 About Me 🦋

Hi! I'm Anodic, though whatever other name you decide to call me by (whether it be Anodic, Ghoa, or whatever else I'd recognize) works too. I'm 25 years old and I have been roleplaying since I was 11. If you want to get in contact with me, feel free to send me a /tell in-game, or add me on Discord at Anodic!